Frequently Asked Questions

Quick questions and answers about our courses

1. How much does it cost?

Start from our page: Italian Language Courses and see the fees for each course.

2. How many students are there in a group?

There are never more than 8 students in a group to support them all effectively and allow each student to participate actively in each lesson and throughout the course.

3. What is the average age of the students?

Students of Passepartout are typically between 25 and 35 years of age.
Quite frequently, students younger and older than the average attend our courses as well.

4. Where do the students come from?

Our students come from all over the world, from North America to Eastern Asia.  There is no predominant nationality.

5. How do you teach? What do you do during a lesson?

According to what most of our students expect from us, the ultimate goal of our teaching is to help them develop all the skills necessary to be independent in daily life (speaking, reading, writing, listening, grammar and vocabulary). Our lessons are designed with this specific purpose.

Read about our Italian language school teaching method

6. How much Italian can I learn in a course?

It obviously depends on the course, whether daily or less intensive, as well as on the aptitude and profile of the students.

Read about it in the page Teaching Method

7. Do you teach by using only Italian?

While it is most effective to teach the Italian language by only speaking in Italian, all of Passepartout’s teachers can offer support in other languages when necessary.

8. Where is the school located in Milan?
9. Are you able to help me with accommodation?

We can provide students with contacts for accommodation independent research.

See here: Accommodation in Milan

10. Can I apply for a student Visa through the school?

To get information about course related to a student visa request, please, contact the school:

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